Would you like to know more about Quaker business, its history, and Quakers in general? Here are some sources of information:

Books – Quaker Business

Good Business: Ethics at Work – Quakers and Business Group – 2014
Quakernomics: An ethical capitalism – Mike King – Anthem Press – 2014
Quaker Capitalism: Lessons for today – Richard Turnbull – Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics – 2014
Chocolate Wars – Deborah Cadbury – Harper Press – 2010 - (From Cadbury to Kraft: 200 years of sweet success and bitter rivalry)
The Biographical Dictionary of British Quakers in Commerce and Industry 1775-1920 - Edward H. Milligan - William Sessions Limited - 2007
Barclays: the Business of Banking – Ackrill and Hannah - Cambridge University Press – 2001
The Quaker Enterprise: Friends in Business – David Burns Windsor – Frederick Muller Limited - 1980
The Quakers: Money and Morals – J. Walvin – John Murray Limited - 1997
The man who gave his company away – Susanna Hoe – Scott Bader Company Limited – 1978 (Biography of Ernest Bader Founder of the Scott Bader Commonwealth
Seebohm Rowntree – A. Briggs – Longmans - 1961
Quakers in Science and Industry – Arthur Raistrick – Sessions Book Trust – 1950
Quakers in Commerce – Paul H. Emden – Sampson Low, Marston and Co. - 1939
The Kingdom at Work Project: A Communal Approach to Mission in the Workplace – David Clark – Upfront Publishing - 2014

Books – Quakers

The Spirit of the Quakers: a guide for newcomers – Geoffrey Durham – Quaker Quest – 2011
Being a Quaker - Geoffrey Durham – Yale University Press – 2010
An Introduction to Quakerism – Pink Dandelion – Cambridge University Press – 2007
Websites – Ethical and Quaker Business

List of Quaker businesses, organizations and charities

Quakers and Business Group: Promoting Quaker values in Business and the Workplace – qandb.org
Quakernomics blog - www.quakerweb.org.uk/blog/
Tax Research blog - www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/
Institute of Business Ethics - www.ibe.org.uk
International Business Ethics Institute - www.business-ethics.org
The Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics – www.theceme.org
The Work Foundation - www.theworkfoundation.com
Investors in People - www.investorsinpeople.co.uk
Co-Operatives UK - www.uk.coop
Social Enterprise UK – www.socialenterprise.org.uk
Ethical Investment Association - www.ethicalinvestment.org.uk
Blueprint for Better Business - www.ethicalinvestment.org.uk

Websites – Quakers

Quakers in Britain - www.quaker.org.uk

Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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