Membership of Q&B is open to all, of any religion and none, who support the purpose of the group.

By becoming a member of Quakers and Business Group you will:

  • Be part of a network of like-minded people
  • Be able to collaborate and connect yourself and your organisation with other members
  • Be able to attend our events at a reduced rate
  • Be able to take part in our mentoring and spiritual accompaniment programmes
  • Receive our regular News Updates by email

Anyone, or any organisation, that supports the purpose of Quakers and Business Group can apply to be a member.

You may be a Quaker, follow another religion or be of no religion.

The purpose of Quakers and Business Group is to promote Quaker principles in business and the workplace.

As a member of Quakers and Business Group you can participate in our activities and events.

Some of these events may be open to people who are not members of Quakers and Business Group.

We may charge an additional fee for some activities or events.

To apply for membership to Quakers and Business Group please complete the form below.

Membership Types

  • Individual Membership: Membership for one year for one person (£25 per year)
  • Student Membership: Membership for one year for one person who is in fulltime education (£5 per year)
  • Concessionary Membership: Membership for one year for one person who is unwaged (£15 per year)
  • Corporate Membership: Membership for one year for one organisation with any number of employees (£75 per year)

If you are a UK tax-payer you can Gift Aid your membership subscription fee during the application process.

If you are not ready to become a member of Quakers and Business Group but would like to keep up to date with what we are doing, you can sign up for our Newsletter here.

Thank you for supporting Quakers and Business Group.

Membership application

Select your organisation if there is a match.

    I support the purpose of Quakers and Business Group

    Quakers and Business may contact me about my application

    Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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