About this publication

This book, now in its third edition was first published in 2000.
It acts as a guide and inspiration to running a better and ethical business for the benefit of all its stakeholders. Living up to these standards is not always the easiest course, but they have a practical as well as an ethical benefit. Businesses known for their ethical conduct enjoy benefits from a good reputation, customer loyalty and a more committed workforce.

ISBN (hardcopy) - 9781784566517
ISBN (pdf) - 9780953970612
ISBN (epub) - 9780953970629

You can;

read the book online
download the book in pdf and epub formats (see below)
listen in audio - mp3
buy a print version online at the Great British Bookshop 

It is also available from the Quaker Centre bookshop, Friends House, London.


Quaker Methods for Decision Making
Quaker Testimonies
Conduct of Business
Money Matters
Working with People
The Community
Unethical Business Practices
Balancing Vision with Practice
This edition is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to share and adapt this publication. View the conditions of the license at the Creative Commons website.

Good Business: Ethics at Work Translations

We are translating our Good Business: Ethics at Work publication into a number of languages. Those listed below are completed. If you are interested in having this publication translated into other languages and would like to discuss it further, please contact Eoin McCarthy, convenor of Publications Working Group.


Download pdf - Good Business: Ethics at Work
Download pdf - Les bonnes pratiques en affaires L'éthique au travail (Francais)
Download pdf - Dobry Biznes: Etyka w Pracy (Polish)
Download pdf - Slušné podnikání: Etika v práci (Czech)
Download pdf - Buen Negocio: Ética en el Trabajo (Spanish)
Download pdf - Bons Negócios: Ética no Trabalho (Portuguese)
Download pdf - Хороший Бизнес: Этика в действии (Russian)
为商之道:商业道德 (Chinese)


Download epub - Bons Negócios: Ética no Trabalho (Portuguese)
Download epub - Good Business: Ethics at Work
Download epub - Buen Negocio: Ética en el Trabajo (Spanish)
Download epub - Хороший Бизнес: Этика в действии (Russian)
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