I joined Quakers and Business Group in 2015 after attending a really interesting Q&B conference on the purpose of business. At the time I was studying for my PhD which was researching the role of fairness and the living wage so this conference was very on topic for me! 

In 2016, I was invited and became a trustee and membership secretary at Q&B. I’ve been doing both roles since and have learnt so much from fellow trustees, officers and members.

Outside Q&B I work for West Northamptonshire Council as an improvement lead focused on improving the quality and cost of the services the authority delivers.

I find a real read-across of the work we do in Quakers and Business and the work I do in the council delivering services for local citizens, so I value being a member.

I think Quakers and Business offers a great opportunity to join a group of like-minded people, learn about Quaker principles, and put these into practice to make a better world for everyone.

Contact Stuart:
Membership manager : membership @ qandb.org 

Twitter  @StuartHillCQP

Connect to Stuart on Linked In  

Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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