Promoting Quaker values in Business and the Workplace

Join us in fostering integrity, equality, sustainability and peace for a better business world

Quakers and Business is a meeting place for those whose experience is that integrity in business and the workplace matters.
In today’s competitive world there is a temptation to sacrifice integrity when under financial pressure.
Q&B is an antidote to that way of thinking. We believe that acting with integrity benefits businesses, charities, organisations, individuals, communities and society.
We champion better values in business and the workplace, based on some Quaker Business Principles we have produced.
Membership of Q&B is open to all, of any religion and none, who support the purpose of the group.


Exploring ethical dilemmas in business.
Our book Good Business, how to be ethical and profitable, the Quaker business method of reaching decisions, Kindness, Our Business Principles

Academic Research

Our academic research has included two PhDs, one on what was the secret of early Quaker commercial success, and can it be applied today, and one on why Quaker business declined.

Practical Projects

A Quaker Credit Union (at pre-application stage in discussion with Bank of England), Spiritual accompaniment, personal business advice for members, ‘Restoring Relations’ conflict resolution.

Reasons to join Quakers and Business

Joining Quakers and Business as a member has three distinct advantages in helping to bring integrity, equality and peace to the business world

Because Q&B is a Good Thing

Your subscription will enable us (as George Cadbury did) to bring Quaker values to a business world that needs them.

Listen and contribute

As a member, you will be invited to all our monthly management meetings, where you can hear what we are doing, and where we hope you might bring your own experience and ideas to mend the world.

Discussion of ethical dilemmas at your work

Bring your ethical dilemmas or your business problem for discussion with members who have similar experience or suitable skills.

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Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008
at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.